What is an Electrical Defect Notice?

Imagine going about your day-to-day routine and suddenly receiving a mailed document saying “Electrical Defect Notice.” If it’s your first time receiving such, you might wonder what it means and what it is all about.  Let us uncover everything you need to know about electrical defect notice and address the underlying issues concerning this [...]

By |2024-07-23T16:21:25+10:00July 23rd, 2024|Electrical Tips|0 Comments

What is a Consumer Main?

Consumer mains are among the unnoticed but essential components of your home’s electrical system. But have you ever wondered what precisely they are and why they matter? You can find consumer mains inside the main switchboard of a building. They are incredibly significant as they serve as supply cables, delivering electricity to the entire [...]

By |2024-07-23T15:51:05+10:00July 23rd, 2024|Electrical Tips|0 Comments

Ceiling Fan Installations Sydney

In Sydney, January is the warmest month, reaching temperatures around 23°C / 73°F. This is among the various reasons why residents of Sydney choose to put in ceiling fans to make their summers somewhat bearable when the heat is increasing.  Nonetheless, putting up a ceiling fan is not advised as a do-it-yourself task due [...]

By |2024-07-19T14:50:32+10:00July 19th, 2024|Electrical Tips|0 Comments

How Many Smoke Alarms Are Needed in a House?

For most people, it’s better to get robbed than have a house burned to ashes. In Australia, installing smoke alarms is a law or paying a hefty fine of $689.00 (5 penalty units) for each breach.   Based on the information zeroed in over 14 years by the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre, [...]

By |2024-07-19T15:15:00+10:00July 19th, 2024|Electrical Tips|0 Comments

Electrical Switchboards in NSW: Everything You Need to Know

You may have little to no knowledge about electrical switchboards' importance in any structure’s electrical system.  Switchboards are the silent guardians of your home or building’s power components. They ensure the smooth and safe flow of electricity for your peace of mind.  Let us dig more into how an electrical switchboard works, the hazards, [...]

By |2024-05-08T18:37:54+10:00May 8th, 2024|Electrical Tips|0 Comments
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